The domain

From our domain, the main sites of the Périgord Noir are within easy reach, allowing you to harmoniously combine tourism, relaxation or sporting activity and gastronomy, for an unforgettable holiday.

dordogne perigord tourisme

Périgord is first and foremost about tourism, with countless remarkable places, including many monuments and sites listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including caves, chasms, shelters, medieval cities, troglodyte villages and remarkable gardens.
There are also moments of escape and relaxation along the Dordogneand the Vézère, on land, in the water and in the air. It is, of course, a Mecca of French gastronomy world renowned for its foie gras, its truffles, its nuts, its trout, its cabécou, its wines…

The Périgord conceals a natural, architectural, gastronomic and cultural heritage of unequaled richness. Ready for discoveries?